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Boost Your Confidence and Make More Sales as a Coach Today

Tamara Lee Bratton the Be Well Coach
Boost Your Confidence and Make More Sales as a Coach Today

Last week on the blog we talked about the first two steps to start your coaching business...this is going to be about the third step...

Confidence to actually pursue what you've been called to pursue.

It's time to declare this over your life:  This year, I will stick to what God has called me to do, to be.  And my attitude & my activities agree with the call on my life.

Speak that out loud 3 times!


So you know you've had this idea on your mind to start a coaching business. You want to mentor others with a skill set that you have, but then you're floored with all these insecurities:

  • - this has already been done before
  • - I see another coach doing this and she/he is SO talented, so skilled
  • - I have never helped anyone else through this but myself

I get it, there is so much unknown, but let me make this short, simple, and to the point for you.

The truth about where you are is this....

You have this idea that you cannot get out of your mind, but you are a bit fearful to start. A bit overwhelmed with all the ways you could get this coaching thing going. You understand it will take time and you may even think is it worth it? AM I GOOD ENOUGH FOR THIS?


Let me just give you a quick confidence tip: 

I'm going to keep this simple.  This was texted to me by a mentor and it's stuck with me:

Courage only comes by doing and becoming familiar with the results.

When you do what you feel God has asked you to do, you see positive results and those hesitations become less and less.

However, You have to take the first step. 

The first time you do anything is the most apprehensive you'll ever be. 

And if you shorten the distance between the times you take the same action, the less afraid you are.

Here's the key takeaway - Sometimes it helps to realize that you have nothing to lose but everything to gain!

Please read that one more time through!

What do you actually have to lose if you talk to someone about working together? Think about it right now

  • - a friendship? probably not
  • - money - um no unless you're paying thousands for ads and they aren't bringing you in any solid clients - then we have a problem on the intake and marketing, which I'd never let you spend that much until you proved that a smaller amount worked! 


Here's the thing, when you become an online coach, you have to get used to marketing one way or another. And starting out is going to mean that you have to reach orbit...and in order for a rocket to reach orbit do you know what it has tto do? It has to burn about 88.4% of it's fuel! That means if you are opening a coaching business you're going to do some front loaded work before you hit orbit where you've found the right marketing, communication, and onboarding that works for you!


When you work with a mentor, if she has a guarantee that you also fully align with, then you have nothing to lose.

So now it's time for you to confidently start thinking, what is my clients transformation & what's my guarantee? What could I do to make sure someone who is open to working with me has nothing to lose? Beyond providing amazing support you can have something in place like this...

I have started to make sure when you join into my Biz Well program offerings at the high-ticket level (meaning anything beyond $1000 investment), I will guarantee that when you do the work, come to our coaching, and take the steps that you will make your investment back from what you've put into the course, and if you don't I will work 1:1 with you even after our 12 weeks to figure out what your sticking point is (big hint, most of the time it's confidence and taking action)

...so by you owning your confidence and working on it, you have nothing to lose.

Save this photo and remember these words:


Okay one step further, because you're going to need some assistance here...

Do you know who your best business partner is? it's not me (though I make a great second best) it's the Holy Spirit.

Seriously He is the BEST!

"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come." John 16:13

Jesus HAD to die so the spirit could be with us, just previous to this verse Jesus says "Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you." (John 16:7)

So when you're not feeling confidence in yourself, can you humble and feel confident in God? That His plan is being told to the one who speaks directly to you?

When you allow to give it to God, to let the the Holy Spirit be your BEST partner allowing Him to lead your business, your calling, your parenting, your relationships, your will experience change.

Leave your insecurities at the feet of Jesus.

It's the hardest thing you'll ever do at first.

And then it becomes the easiest.

Your activities and attitude do shift. Which means your confidence shifts.

The guidance of Spirit becomes your regular and most frequently referenced partner.

At that, I'm sending you love and blessings as you pursue your calling!

My website www.tamarabratton.com is your space to cultivate your God-given dreams.


If you’re still Reading maybe we should work together, here’s 2 ways we can!

1) take my free training "6 Steps to Start a Coaching Business", linked HERE.  You'll get a 30 minute training & 5 emails from me when you do, reply back to those and give me your responses to the questions I ask.

2) For the entrepreneur ready to dive into creating aligned offers for her business, you have to check out the Biz Well, linked HERE.  I've added in soley virtual option and a retreat option.

The Retreat...It’s time for a truly unique experience in your life where you will not only benefit from a retreat in which you’ll physically have a chance to take a break from life as usual so you can deeply connect with yourself, others and God! But, In addition you’ll have a 12 week experience surrounding the time of your retreat where you will be connecting with your business in a new way.

Along with the other women going on the retreat, as a group, you will go through mentorship, life and business coaching from a faith-based perspective. You'll have full access to my Biz Well course & group coaching prior to & after our retreat that'll take you from idea and into full creation of your God given coaching business all while keeping your values for your family at the forefront.


May the Lord bless you and you find ways each day to go forth on this calling in your life.

I’m Tamara Lee Bratton
The Be Well & Biz Well Coach


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