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Prophetic Word & Discerning God's Voice

Tamara Lee Bratton the Be Well Coach
Prophetic Word & Discerning God's Voice

Welcome to God Story's by the Multi-Passionate Christian Show! These are here to encourage you to dive deeper into your prayer life, your Bible, and your love of our Lord.

In this episode, to kick off the God Story's, series, my husband Neal has joined to share a word of prophetic provision. How we can begin to discern and trust in His words.

As John 10:27-28 says: "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. " we know when we hear from God that it is His voice. It's different, it feels different, it sits on our heart and our emotions differently.


Listen to this episode and hear for yourself if He's speaking to you through any of this.  Maybe not, but maybe he is.


To check out the prophetic word over a business & the interactive video Neal and I speak of in this episode go to www.tamarabratton.com/BeWell365

I want to encourage...

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Praying for Guidance? Create a Holy Spirit-Inspired Business Plan

Tamara Lee Bratton the Be Well Coach
Praying for Guidance? Create a Holy Spirit-Inspired Business Plan

There's been a few times now when it comes to planning out what to share in a podcast, a post, a business growth strategy, I hit a wall.

I always just say I don't know if I want to do this right now...and if you knew me from 2015-2021, I was very much a 'do your crap' kind of network marketer.  Meaning, I had a list, I worked from it, and I did check off every single box, every single day, no matter what.

But last year, in 2022, I said no more.  I just cannot do that anymore becuase while it worked in the beginning, it's not working now.

So when I went to write this post and share it as a podcast, this is the exact words that ran through my head over and over and over again: 

"God, I just want to talk about Jesus, well, really the Holy Spirit because He's the one here, with us, right now."



God clearly asked me to STOP WORKING and it feels like a LOT of feels. Scared, excited, upset, disappointed in self, encouraged, joyful - ALL of them

Last week...

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Boost Your Confidence and Make More Sales as a Coach Today

Tamara Lee Bratton the Be Well Coach
Boost Your Confidence and Make More Sales as a Coach Today

Last week on the blog we talked about the first two steps to start your coaching business...this is going to be about the third step...

Confidence to actually pursue what you've been called to pursue.

It's time to declare this over your life:  This year, I will stick to what God has called me to do, to be.  And my attitude & my activities agree with the call on my life.

Speak that out loud 3 times!


So you know you've had this idea on your mind to start a coaching business. You want to mentor others with a skill set that you have, but then you're floored with all these insecurities:

  • - this has already been done before
  • - I see another coach doing this and she/he is SO talented, so skilled
  • - I have never helped anyone else through this but myself

I get it, there is so much unknown, but let me make this short, simple, and to the point for you.

The truth about where you are is this....

You have this idea that you cannot get out of your mind, but...

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How to Reach Your First $10K in Coaching Business | Expert Tips

Tamara Lee Bratton the Be Well Coach
How to Reach Your First $10K in Coaching Business | Expert Tips


You've probably been here before thinking, man why didn't I invent that, or better yet, I thought about doing that but never took action on my idea!

Insert you sweating thinking about the nerves that would hit if you actually had a "Shark Tank" moment, bringing your idea in front of people who are going to judge you, your mindset, and your abilities.


No wonder most of us never take our ideas for a business into action... I got squirms in my stomach thinking about how that would feel!

Thankfully, we don't have to be judged by others on national television in order to find out if our idea will make it or not. 



YIKES! You get me here...right ;) 


It's time to talk about actually going forth with the ideas you have for your life. For your relationships. For your business. It's time for you to make the first $10K in your coaching business!



The Bible is full of scriptures about your...

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Prayer Fasting | It's not always food

Tamara Lee Bratton the Be Well Coach
Prayer Fasting | It's not always food

When we Fast, does it always need to be food?

that's a loaded question, but, to me, the answer is simple...what has God asked you to fast?

In this recorded episode you'll hear me dive deeper into the principles of fasting & share how you can stair-step your way into a fast, use non-food  fasting, & hear powerful stories behind food fasts.


Hey! Welcome to the Mutli-Passionate Christian blog post  that follows along each week's Podcast. This podcast and blog are the space is for the busy Proverbs 31-ish entrepreneur or momma. The woman who knows she needs to have high energy, kept her confidence up, deepen relationships, ALL while launching into a business or calling she knows she's meant to pursue AND to do it without sacrificing her values. I'm your host, blogger & faith-filled business friend & mentor, Tamara Lee Bratton.

Each week as I dive into a podcast / a blog, I will create an additional resource for those in the...

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