Unlock Your Path to Passionate Income and Wellness Today! Join the Multi-Passionate Movement

About Us

Hi there! It's awesome to have you on this site and in the About Us section so I can share more about myself, Tamara, and our incredible team!

I was once an extremely stressed out IT professional. I held that job for 6 years, kept advancing, and each month I became more and more unhappy with where I was, but I stuck with it because I thought, "that's what you're supposed to do" Finally in April 2015 I quit, one month later, after writing in my journal previously "I'd never be a damn Beachbody Coach", I became a Damn GOOD Beachbody Coach!  My life has been forever blessed!

Here's my husband and my own journey with using the fitness programs from Beachbody on Demand, Shakeology, and the Beachbody Performance Supplements for extra energy and muscle recovery:

I was extremely skeptical about this opportunity. I truly didn't see how anyone could make a living, make an income, doing something that made them happy. And I really didn't think there was any possibility to turn a passion of fitness into a business.  Boy was I wrong!

I'm passionate about helping others find their passion in life!  I never want someone to just think of themselves as a number on a scale YOU ARE MORE THAN THAT!  What I help the Be Well Community with most is how they FEEL! Getting past our mental roadblocks is the only way you'll see changes in your physical life too.

You can join into this community on Facebook just by going here and requesting to join:  Be Well Community on FB

I am passionate about helping other families start to envision where they want their life & what they see for their family and then making that a reality.

I truly do want to learn more about you, so use that link above and join into the community or send me a message [email protected] 

The Team!

Our team is made up of full-time nurses, executive, stay at home moms and lots of support and community!

These ladies and Team Beachbody as a whole work together as ONE community, committed to helping people live Healthy & Fulfilling Lives.

We are a top ranked team in the top 2% of the company, out of 550,000 teams ours has been ranked in the top 600. Our passion is to help you with your fitness journey and give you the tools to make a business and have greater support and income potential. 

Learn more about how you can get started by checking the home page of this site: www.tamarabratton.com 


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You have this idea, this skill or knowledge you KNOW you are meant to share with others, but you're hesitant. Will it work? Is it worth the time? How do I explain it?

Sis, here is how, take the free training and get out of your head and into action!