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2 | Launch a Coaching Business, Generate $10K+ from your Idea

In this episode you'll hear the steps I used to start my coaching business in 2022.  Just a simple idea planted in me December 2021 grew into a coaching business that intimately served 18 women in business in 2023.

Back to YOU & your ideas....

You've probably been here before thinking, man why didn't I invent that, or better yet, I thought about doing that but never took action on my idea!

Insert you sweating thinking about the nerves that would hit if you actually had a "Shark Tank" moment, bringing your idea in front of people who are going to judge you, your mindset, and your abilities.


No wonder most of us never take our ideas for a business into action... I got squirms in my stomach thinking about how that would feel!

Thankfully, we don't have to be judged by others on national television in order to find out if our idea will make it or not!

It's time to talk about actually going forth with the ideas you have for your life. For your relationships. For your business.


Shared in the podcast.

  1. Book reference is "Richest Man in Babylon", by George Clason
  2. FREE Idea to $10K Training: https://www.tamarabratton.com/minitraining_ideatolaunch
  3. Faith-Full Christian Business Retreats & Coaching with me!: https://www.tamarabratton.com/retreats_start_coaching


Intro & Outro Music Music in episode from FOCUS music by ikson™


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You have this idea, this skill or knowledge you KNOW you are meant to share with others, but you're hesitant. Will it work? Is it worth the time? How do I explain it?

Sis, here is how, take the free training and get out of your head and into action!