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4 | Confidence & Make More Sales as a Coach Today

Let me just give you a quick confidence tip: 

I'm going to keep this simple.  This was texted to me by a mentor and it's stuck with me:

Courage only comes by doing and becoming familiar with the results.

When you do what you feel God has asked you to do, you see positive results and those hesitations become less and less.

However, You have to take the first step. 

The first time you do anything is the most apprehensive you'll ever be. 

And if you shorten the distance between the times you take the same action, the less afraid you are.

Here's the key takeaway - Sometimes it helps to realize that you have nothing to lose but everything to gain!


 Listen in to hear the full episode!



If you’re still Reading maybe we should work together, here’s 2 ways we can!

1) take my free training "6 Steps to Start a Coaching Business", linked HERE.  You'll get a 30 minute training & 5 emails from me when you do, reply back to those and give me your responses to the questions I ask.

2) For the entrepreneur ready to dive into creating aligned offers for her business, you have to check out the Biz Well, linked HERE.  I've added in soley virtual option and a retreat option.


Intro & Outro Music Music in episode from FOCUS music by ikson™


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You have this idea, this skill or knowledge you KNOW you are meant to share with others, but you're hesitant. Will it work? Is it worth the time? How do I explain it?

Sis, here is how, take the free training and get out of your head and into action!