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Fit Friday Finds August 9th!

Have you ever heard of Wonder Whip? Well, it's taking social media by storm and now I know why!

Ilana Muhlstein Nutrition's Wonder Whip recipe is packed with protein and is a great way to help satisfy your sweet tooth. Try her recipe for her Reese’s Cup Wonder Whip and let me know what you think!

• 3/4 cup 0% plain Greek yogurt⁠⠀
• 2 Tbsp. PB2⁠⠀
• 1 Tbsp. dry-roasted cocoa nibs⁠⠀
• 1/4 cup smart bran or bran buds (optional)⁠⠀
• 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract⁠⠀
• Stevia to taste⁠⠀
1. Combine ingredients, stir until whipped. Enjoy!⁠


Ok, I'm not crying, you're crying - Lauren's Morning Meltdown 100 transformation video is amazing! WATCH IT HERE for yourself -- and keep the tissues handy!

I have $10 off code for 5 people who want to try this program with me, but that's not all - ANYONE who wants to try it can get the digital access to either of our 2 nutrition programs for only $50 (access is normally $119)

Email me at [email protected] or fill out this form if you want to get signed up or for more information!


I can't believe Summer will soon be over and it'll be back to the daily grind of rushing out the door to get the kiddos to school. To stay on track with your nutrition and save some MAJOR time (which we all desperately need during those crazy mornings!) try this almost no-cook meal prep.

The menu follows the Portion Fix eating plan at the 1,500–1,800 calorie level and includes recipes for Coconut Mango Chia Pudding and Greek Chicken Salad -- YUM!

Be Well my friend




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