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Gut Health & Skin Clearing Diet Without Deprivation

fitness nutrition Apr 30, 2022

This is all about the nutrition program I encouraged a group of 25 + women to do with me in April 2022.  So many of us had traveling, lots of kids sports, Easter, sickness, and our normal routines ...but that ended up not being a problem at all to get this done.

I read back through the reasons why people have wanted to join into my monthly wellness bootcamps, and man it hit me reading these and how hard we are on ourselves, but also I'm so grateful for how honest and transparent these women are:

  • I have been unhappy with my body and my clothes are getting tighter. I want to be healthier.
  • I need to feel better about myself
  • I’m not happy about the way I look physically
  • I just want to be healthier to be more present in the life I have made.
  • Wellness has always been important but with my sinus tachycardia I haven’t been able to do my HIIT workouts for 3 months now(until I see the cardiologist) and I am gaining weight and loosing muscle.
  • I feel uncomfortable in my body. I have struggled with weight loss my entire life. I want to feel good about myself.
  • I'm a former endurance athlete, and I'd like to get back to being a current one! One car wreck (traumatic spinal and brain injuries), and then more recently one sweet little baby later
  • I am a mom of four, Transform my mindset, I need support, I want to change my eating habits, I want to know who am I I feel like I don’t know who have i become gaining so much weight and most of all my family is everything to me.

I could go on...I have 60 of these from the last time I updated our application.

Mostly what I see there is it's a wanting to FEEL BETTER.  And honestly that's what I get to do, so let me drop the chit chat and share with you some real take aways from our April 2022 round


I could seriously go on, but I'll let you go ahead and tell yourself if you are ready for this or not....

What's included in my bootcamps?  Glad you asked:

In our Groups we have REALLY HIGH ENERGY
-> Daily Workout Check in's
-> Virtual 24/7 Zoom Gym Link so you can workout w/ others
-> Daily Food/Water check in's
-> Morning accountability via a fun post that has you thinking about your mindset, your food, or your family
-> Teams are optional, but encouraged, we partner people up in groups of 5 for accountability pods and we've noticed SO MUCH accountability and connection from this.


What do you need to do to sign up?  Glad you asked.

I have it all laid out - what you'll do is fill out the questions below and a sign up form will be sent to you via email.  I ask you questions in the form because this container is for those who are serious about taking action on their health. I don't want to sell a $160-$300 health package and you NOT use it.  I freaking care and get to know the people I work with. 

I could absolutely enter in the basic pack sign up link and let you be on your way.  This could be just a one-off course style purchase that you buy and go through solo, but that's not what I do.  I put you into an accountability group, I help you pick the right workout program to start with (we have access to over 100), I help you pick one of our 3 nutrition programs, I connect with you via emails (yes I answer them...it's me) and I go live in my group, the group members  will connect with you when you share your introduction post, your monthly progress, your daily accountability check-in, you become a real Be Well Tribe member and your life is changed.


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