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Meditation - From College Interruption to Mom Life

mindset Aug 26, 2020

Meditation has been in & out of my life for almost 12 years now.


It all started back in college when I was going through that season of "sowing my wild oats". Neal, my then boyfriend, now husband, and I were split up. I was living in Jackson Hole, WY and having quite the time of my life!  The mountain, the drinking, the being on my own, the eating out all the time, the boy, the camping trips, river floats, only a short stint at an internship with responsibilities...you get the picture - the typical 21 year old getting to live life without mom and dad for the first time. 

It was around this same time Eat Pray Love came about and I started casually reading it.  This same summer, after my internship and love affair (with both the beauty of Jackson Hole and w/ another man) were coming to an end, I was headed back to reality of graduating college & figuring out what the crap to do with the rest of my life....so I did something any logical 21 year old would do, I asked my dad to take me to Europe to check out a grad school...because they didn't require you taking that test to get into MBA (legit can't even remember the name of it and all you novices are rolling your eyes) but I just wanted a business degree.....without all the testing and effort - ha #truestory


So that casual book I was reading, I picked back up.  And I started to fall in love all over again with learning more about who I was, and what I wanted.  I can't even remember the timing of what came when, but I think it was prior to this trip to Europe (yes dad did take me bc my god I am daddy's girl and he works for the airlines so it wasn't and unusual request - and OH MY GOSH DO NOT HATE ME bc that totally made me sound like a snob, legit,I was a SUPER NORMAL kinda dorky, very kind high school/college chick)


Anyways, it was on that trip to Europe and another to an island in the Caribbean (again with my father & brother) that I dove all in on that book and went to Barnes & Nobel to get a book on meditation. I was now to the point where I wanted to go on some sort of meditation retreat.  I was HOOKED but still didn't understand completely how to do it....but I vividly remember one time while n the Caribbean getting bit by bugs, I had at least 20+ bites on my legs, that I went to my little bungalo, sat cross legged, and just prayed to God and settled my mind....when I was done, the bites were not longer itchy and not even evident - WHOA! WTF!?!


Its something I still can't explain, but I knew there was power in settling my mind and in asking my God for help.


So I tried to continue my practice, but gave up on it once my final semester of college started....why?  Because when I'd go to meditate, I'd hear my roommate next to me having sex - Yes....super true story....and I was like nope, turned off, not for me - WHAT?!


So this goes to show you, that you too can have a POWERFUL life change and then the smallest incident can throw you off.


It wasn't until about 5 years ago, when I became a wellness coach with Beachbody, that I started to get back into Meditation.  One of the things we preach is personal development, so I started doing a few meditations kinda on repeat as the years have gone by.  These have helped me to 

  1. make the most of my day
  2. practice gratitude
  3. grow myself
  4. grow my business(es)
  5. calm my anger
  6. get rid of stress
  7. get out a good cry
  8. calm down as a mom

I'm not always perfect with my practice, but I'm doing better and better each month to practice meditation more.


Mom Life is HARD for me at times, but I can tell a HUGE difference on the days where I focus in on myself for the first 30min - 1 hour of my day - part of that time is meditation, journaling, and sometimes exercise (or I wait til my 3 and 6 year old are up to workout with them)


I've become engrossed again in learning about meditation and LOVED this podcast from Shawn Stevenson you have to check out to help encourage you to MEDITATE MORE!  I'm going to share just a few notes from him, but you have to check out the full show for yourself!

  • "Some of the latest studies have revealed that a meditation practice can enhance the function of your natural killer cells. So these are cells that are given the responsibility of tracking down and taking out foreign pathogens in your system, so it's helping to enhance the capability, the capacity of our natural killer cells"
    • And when you see the graphs and the numbers in this study, it's pretty jaw-dropping to see how much a meditation practice can boost your immune system and help you defend off flu and colds and also to speed the recovery.

      There was like 50 percent faster recovery for folks who were in the study doing the meditation practice, so really profound stuff.

  • Another study, and this was published in the journal Brain Research Bulletin, researchers discovered that people trained to meditate over an 8-week period were better able to control specific types of brain waves called Alpha Rhythms....And so 8 weeks of meditation, we're able to improve the activity of Alpha brain wave states, so that's again, more calm, relaxed, just in tune brain wave states that we all have access to, right? It makes our work easier, it makes us feel less agitated.
  • meditation has been clinically proven to increase your lifespan. - for this one you HAVE to go listen to the show where Shawn talks about telomeres - friend...it is INSANE and so cool!

Okay so let me leave you with some practical ways to start meditation by giving you links to a few of my favorites that you can access free:

If you'd like to join me for 21 Days of practicing meditation daily at the beginner level, fill out the form below and I'll be in touch soon. 



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