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6 Steps to Quickly Launch Your Coaching Business | Get Started Now!

Tamara Lee Bratton the Be Well Coach
6 Steps to Quickly Launch Your Coaching Business | Get Started Now!

One of the very first actions to make when you launch a coaching business is to figure out two key components:

1. Who are you meant to help?
2. How are you meant to help them?

Sounds simple, right?

If you are called to coach then you may already have know exactly who you were meant to serve in the beginning, but that's not the case for everyone.

....let's dive in....


LISTEN IN ON THE AUDIO via your favorite Podcast app to HEAR how to walk through this: https://www.tamarabratton.com/podcasts/multipassionate-christian-show




Knowing who we want to help and how we want to help them is not actually the case for most of us.

I get it, you're probably saying, but Tamara I know I'm supposed to help moms!  Or but Tamara, I am called to help women heal their relationships with money!


Amazing. I want you to do that.


But what I want more is for you to get SO specific that I would actually know if I was the mom you meant to help and with WHAT?  Or if I'm the type of woman (age, job, family life) that you are supposed to help heal my relationship with money.


BACKSTORY on 'Life Coaches':

A lot of people get into "Life Coaching" but just being a life coach, well not a lot of people want to hire a life coach unless they know what problem that life coach can help them with...even though I know as a life coach those skills translate to a LOT of support in many areas...I digress

I took an amazing life coach certification (I HIGHLY Recommend PUSH Coaching even if you aren't getting into coaching bc it's SOOO good for your mindset - tell Marc & Josh Tamara sent you!) and in it my mentors kept reiterating "all roads lead to Rome"

Which in a summary, to me, meant that no matter what questions I would ask a client, what we were working on, all roads lead to Rome and in my case Rome when I coach women is typically helping my clients move forward in the business they had been called to start.


 How this plays out in our coaching sessions:


I'm going to take a moment to story tell before I tell you how you can get clarity on who you're meant to serve and how you'll serve them because once you hear this, I can almost guarantee you're going to say "that's me too!" and realize why it's so important to get this clarity for yourself!

So here we go.

When I work with a client, we get into talking about a life situation I now need to put on my life coaching hat to help them through.

  • SO there's this client, she tells me she is feeling really frustrated because her & her spouse disagreed with a parenting issue.
  • It turned out, like in most situations in our life, this seemingly separate issue of parenting started affecting the way she showed up in her business.
  • If she could not fix this problem with her spouse, then she would keep bringing it into her work day, unknowingly in many situations by doing what we call buffering. Buffering is doing other tasks rather than the one you are supposed to be doing.
    • So instead she was spending time texting a friend and complaining, staring at her computer without being able to move into her work task, and therefor sabotage something she wanted to work on because her energy was fuming over this situation.
  • She did not get herself to look at this situation in the right position of grace, favor and joy.
  • NEW PERSPECTIVE:  We had to work through this and help her realize she did in fact disagree with her spouse, but how amazing that she can give him grace and she can look at this from a new perspective. God does tell wives to submit to their husbands, but he also gives us a voice and the opportunity to clear the air and talk things through.I just went a little high level mindset on you and shared some of my ninja life coach stuff because it's powerful, right?

Even without speaking to her husband, getting her to realize she just needed to have grace over him and over herself, she was now able to look at this parenting issue with peace and optimism...what did she do...she got her work crap done within an hour of our call.

I just went a little high level mindset on you and shared some of my ninja life coach stuff because it's powerful, right?


I can bet that just this past week you blew up at your kid or your spouse or even yourself because one thing was said or done wrong, but really deep down you were mad at yourself for not being more aware of your time while you were "quote working" on this new coaching business of yours but instead you got side tracked, watched way too many instagram reels or tick-tocks for "quote business inspiration" that you didn't get a task done, such as actually making your own reel, sharing to your stories inviting someone to connect with you, and you making a human interaction that could lead to you setting up an appointment with the woman you know you are supposed to help, the one you're supposed to coach...

So instead of doing the work you intended to do during this time you are now disappointed in yourself and you took it out on someone else.

Yes, I went there. I called you out bc I'm sharing with you an inside look at what SO MANY DAYS in my home use to look like. That exact scenario played out over and over and over in our home.


Because I was transitioning from wellness coaching postpartum mom's who wanted to balance energy, health weight loss and maintain breast-feeding (yes i had a pretty specific niche of moms I seemed to help the most in my Beachbody/ BODi business) but I felt called to do something else, to still be there for them because I am not the type to ghost people, but to pivot my focus, my time, my business.

I pivoted into business and life coaching and I no longer had the same capacity to keep helping all these moms in fitness. I wanted to get people moving into a business bc business growth has been the biggest personal development growth for me. Which has changed my life more than my fitness has (but I am so grateful for my health too! thank you BODi!)

But there was so many times where I felt I could not get clear on what type of entrepreneur I wanted to help in business, I was frustrated with the daily posting on social media in stories, posts, and content creating emails that seemed to go to deaf ears.

  • And since that was happening, I was mad at myself.
  • Which left me mad at my kids for little things like not picking something up - not a normal "hey get your stuff put away sweetie" but an all-out "I am so frustrated and angry would you just get your stuff put up or I'll throw it away!" kinda response.
  • Ridiculous, right?

But I bet by me sharing that you feel heard. You feel seen.

You've been in a similar spot

SO why am I telling you all of this?

Because my friend if you are opening a coaching business, you will benefit greatly from some guidance.

One of the first steps is to get clear over who you are meant to help and how you are meant to help them otherwise you will drive yourself into a tailspin over your business that will translate into your attitude towards other people inside and outside of your family.

Take this first step of clarity.

We have heard it before if you talk to everyone you talk to no one.

Hair Stylist to Coach EXAMPLE:

Think of this - my client is a hair stylist and she has hosted retreats where she teaches other stylists how to increase their bottom line - a lot of it is mindset coaching, giving the right language, and helping them speak confidently to their clients.

If someone in her industry was to ask her, what do you do and she says "I coach hairstylists" ....that's SO broad

But if she says, "I've been a stylist for 2 decades and about 5 years ago I grew my business 500% by up-leveling my skill, confidence, and prices, and I now run this beautiful stylist business and stylist coaching business with retreats teaching others to go after their goals for their stylist business. Actually, would you like to chat about your business growth?" she has people saying YES

Now, let me be clear she's not going to talk to e/o about that, she would however say that to a fellow hairstylist who's been connecting with her in person online, and she has that as part of her sales page

But let's go through another example.

Bankrupt & Divorced to Coach Example

Take another one of my clients. She went through bankruptcy and a tough divorce. Now she wants to help other single moms mentally come out of that place of pain.

Instead of saying "I'm a mindset coach"
she can say:

"I'm a mindset coach specializing in helping single moms with their finances and parental struggles."

WAY more powerful. way more specific. and when she goes to do her work, she's more likely to stay focused on helping THAT specific person be seen, heard, and want to connect with her so she can start coaching those right people.

Okay one more example bc I love these and I want to give you ideas.

Christian Marriage Coach Example

Instead of I help women with their marriage & faith its:
"God uses me to empower women hurting in fear of discussing tough issues with their spouse to discover truth about their shame & allow Him to heal the hidden things so she can live with an undivided heart."

One of my friend form a retreat I went on just shared that one as her focus and man, I feel seen!

No, bc I know her, I feel seen, there's still more clarity and background she could have, but I am not here to reveal her story to tell.


BUT DO YOU SEE how much more powerful it is when you start to have clarity over your Rome. Over the place you are leading people to?


My Example as a Business Coach

I'll give you mine - I shared I started my coaching business to help entrepreneurs. And I was doing great for a while helping people who I already had know, like, and trust with. However, brining on new people was a struggle. I've helped a big variety from online coaches, to a woman who owned a cleaning company (I helped her bring employees in and organize her time), to an online boutique owner (I helped her to make >$2,000 in sales on vacation because we set up a system for her to unplug and get stuff sold.)

But after helping this variety of women I realized I had a special ability in one area over another.

Instead of just a coach for entrepreneurs, I've realized this...

"Through my Faith-Full Retreats & Biz Well Coaching I help the woman who is launching a coaching business use 6 simple steps to unlock her potential & launch her coaching business with strategy, faith & trust that it gets to work out!"

Exciting, right!!

So how can you do this for yourself?

How can you figure out who you are meant to serve and how you'll serve them?

Take this a step further for yourself and your clarity so next time you say "I'm working on my coaching business" you actually know who you're supposed to be connecting with...or at least you're able to write a blog, a post, and email, specifically speaking to that person.



  • Get out some post it notes, either 3 colors of them or 3 different colored markers.


  • In one color who - write out as many of the "who" - single moms, new moms, empty nesting moms, kids in college, corporate moms - only the who's you want to help


  • In another color, how - what was some of the methods you came up with to help her solve a problem?


  • In another color the what is the outcome - write out the positive outcomes someone can gain by working with you!


  • Now take those papers, all the who's the how's and the what's and put all the colors in a column - so you'll have 3 columns of 3 different colors and move you favorites to the top. Read out loud - move these post-it-notes around until it makes sense.

Here's an example of mine when I did this for my course, Biz Well:

  1. Who: New entreprenures, women who want to get into coaching, women in network marketing who want to pivot into coaching
  2. How: Biz Well Method, my life coaching, mutli-passionate school
  3. What: open a business, launch a coaching business, create a business she loves without sacrificing all her free time.

This is how I came up with my tagline for Biz Well, I moved the words around until it felt right: I help women who want to get into coaching use the Biz Well Methods to launch a coaching business.

When you start to feel those tingles as you write out your who, your how, and your what, that's a Holy Spirit nudge - that's you being guided to your next level.

And that was just the first time I did this training, since then I've become even more clear and it'll continue to serve me and help you too!

What to do next?

I would LOVE to keep training you on this launching a coaching business, but I like to keep these digest-able.

So here's what you can do. Below use the form to take my 6 Steps to Starting Your Coaching business, a free 29 minute class, that is the EXACT 6 steps I used to open Biz Well & gain my first high-ticket paying clients.

If you did the post-it-note training and got clarity over who you are meant to help and how you're meant to help them, then you already did 1/3 of the steps!



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