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Unlocking the Power of VitalitƩ: Your Path to Wellness

nutrition Oct 04, 2023

Are you ready to embark on a journey toward better health, increased vitality, and overall well-being? If so, you're in the right place! In this post, we're thrilled to introduce you to Vitalité—a remarkable supplement that's been making waves in the world of proactive wellness.

Our Personal Journey with Vitalité

Neal and I have personally experienced the transformative power of Vitalité. We knew we were feeling better, but this study helped us understand why. No more needing lengthy naps each weekend, and my cravings for sweets have significantly decreased.

The Foundation of Health: Vitalité

Vitalité, brought to you by THREE, is more than just a supplement; it's a foundation for health. What makes it truly stand out is its exceptional cellular absorption and bioavailability, surpassing the standard organic control molecule used in studies. This means it's more than three times more absorbable, promising enhanced efficacy for your health.


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Prayer Fasting | It's not always food

Tamara Lee Bratton the Be Well Coach
Prayer Fasting | It's not always food

When we Fast, does it always need to be food?

that's a loaded question, but, to me, the answer is simple...what has God asked you to fast?

In this recorded episode you'll hear me dive deeper into the principles of fasting & share how you can stair-step your way into a fast, use non-food  fasting, & hear powerful stories behind food fasts.


Hey! Welcome to the Mutli-Passionate Christian blog post  that follows along each week's Podcast. This podcast and blog are the space is for the busy Proverbs 31-ish entrepreneur or momma. The woman who knows she needs to have high energy, kept her confidence up, deepen relationships, ALL while launching into a business or calling she knows she's meant to pursue AND to do it without sacrificing her values. I'm your host, blogger & faith-filled business friend & mentor, Tamara Lee Bratton.

Each week as I dive into a podcast / a blog, I will create an additional resource for those in the...

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Gut Health & Skin Clearing Diet Without Deprivation

fitness nutrition Apr 30, 2022

This is all about the nutrition program I encouraged a group of 25 + women to do with me in April 2022.  So many of us had traveling, lots of kids sports, Easter, sickness, and our normal routines ...but that ended up not being a problem at all to get this done.

I read back through the reasons why people have wanted to join into my monthly wellness bootcamps, and man it hit me reading these and how hard we are on ourselves, but also I'm so grateful for how honest and transparent these women are:

  • I have been unhappy with my body and my clothes are getting tighter. I want to be healthier.
  • I need to feel better about myself
  • I’m not happy about the way I look physically
  • I just want to be healthier to be more present in the life I have made.
  • Wellness has always been important but with my sinus tachycardia I haven’t been able to do my HIIT workouts for 3 months now(until I see the cardiologist) and I am gaining weight and loosing muscle.
  • I feel uncomfortable...
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30 Day Family Challenge

family mindset nutrition Nov 29, 2021

Are you ready for the holidays? NO WAY!

Good! Me Neither!

Let’s start by saying you’re busy.

Meal planning has gone out the window.

There’s tons of family gatherings & school parties here where I live.  Where you live it may be the same OR the total opposite and you’re STILL IN FRIGGIN LOCKDOWN - ugh.  First, if you are, please let me know so I can pray for your sanity - send me a message on IG and tell me where you’re from and what it’s like so I can pray more specifically for your town.

Let me gift you this gratitude guide in case you’re not on my email list and didn’t get it earlier this month!

This is something new that I’m so excited to share with you this holiday season! This 30 Day guide includes family recipes, activities, and daily challenges to build and bring together your family. I’ve included in-person activities as well as virtual ones! Feel free to share the challenge with your family, near and...

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3 Day Transformation

I’m always so blown away when I do these 3 day cleanses.

I’ve shared a few blogs in the past about them - my favorite being A Clean-ish Mom’s Take onthe 3 Day Refresh of my honest and raw testimony of the first time I did the cleanse.

I’ve done it about 7 times since, and each time I cuss less and less  ;)  I know just what you were expecting me to say - ha!

But for real, I LOVE to eat. I love leafy greens, sauté veggies, chicken, fish….and cookies, margaritas, and pizza

SO I gotta balance myself out from time to time, especially if I’ve been under stress, which I have been.

Here’s my results from this round of the cleanse and DAMN mind blown:

Most people find this cleanse super easy and helpful, as do I, but I may just complain a little more ;) bc I’m honest AF!

There’s a lot of my community who wants to do it again after November. There’s some that want to do the 21 Day Ultimate Reset cleanse with me in...

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5 Candy Bar Recipes!

nutrition recipe Oct 19, 2021

Boo Yah It’s THAT time of year again... where my team and I whip up a Week of Sneaky Treats!
And YOU are invited!

We will be making delicious recipes, snacks & Halloween Treats that are actually GOOD for you and the kids!

Read: yummy   without the sugar high or hangover! And soooo good!!

This group has grown bigger and bigger each October since I started it in 2016. You don’t want to miss out on the Week of Sneaky Treats - I promise if you plug in you’re going to find a new sense of joy around the holidays!

I’m serious it’s already filling up! We want you there too!

The group is $30 commitment and you'll get 7 packets of the protein powder to make the treats! And of course great recipes to go along with

Join us: www.tamarabratton.com/week-of-sneaky-treats

Follow me on IG @TamaraLeeBratton so we can get to know each other - I always do my best to connect w/ my followers who are engaging along so I can follow & get to know you more!

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Holiday Hall Pass

fitness mindset nutrition Dec 26, 2019

If you're trying to stay completely on track between now and NYE, don't. Being over committed can lead to stress, stress affects your thoughts, choices and behaviors, all this can cause you to gain weight.

So instead try these 5 holiday helpers via our a Holiday Hall Pass

Let's get you started - rush order your 3 day kit if you want to do it Jan 1st

For the full Virtual Bootcamp, take 10 minutes and fill out this customized recommendation form and I, Tamara, will be in touch with you shortly!



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3 Day Santa Slim Down

3 day refresh nutrition Dec 19, 2019

Earlier this month these friends LOST weight and they have kept it off all month!  Most adults gain an average of 1 pound between mid-November and mid-January… and never lose that extra baggage.

But not us! Not this year! I want to invite you to ditch the “new year, new me” mentality and start working on being the healthiest and happiest version of you right now!


JOIN US for our post holiday slim down - get your kit now:  3 Day Cleanse Kit

Or take a few minutes to fill out this customized recommendation form and get a REAL custom recommendation right from me! No obligations to join, this is just so I know your goals and can suggest a money saving kit just for you!


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Santa Slimdown Cookies

nutrition recipe Dec 12, 2019

We're officially into our Santa Slim Down challenge!  If you've not joined into the group yet, there's time, I just need to know more about your goals first and your interest - go here


I want to share with you one of the recipes we'll have in the group later this month...because let's face it, you likely have been invited to a holiday gathering (or two or three) just like I have been, you're trying to maintain or even lose weight but these dang cookie exchanges, they're getting you!  Fear not! I have a few solutions. 


First, show up after having eaten a solid meal.  One loaded with about 50% veggies and 50% protein, skip carbs bc I want to you to save a carb for a cookie - duh!

Next, make a cookie that's a little healthier, because Cookies. Cakes. Pie. They’re everywhere.


No matter how hard you’re working to stay on the healthy path, it can be nearly impossible to avoid these sweet temptations. Luckily, you can...

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this is working for my health!

fitness nutrition recipe Nov 15, 2019

 Shoo this week has been a doozy for me personally! I got some sort of stomach bug on Tuesday that took me out! Thankfully, my husband also works from home as a Beachbody Coach with me, so I could rest while he took care of our 2.5 and 5 year old on our FIRST SNOW DAY! I mean half of me hates that I missed it bc I was laying in bed and the other half is like hey...you didn't have to freeze your butt off this year in the snow!  Normally that's ALL ME bc in years past, my husband has always worked outside of the home at his corporate job on snow days.

To say I am grateful he now works with me, well that's a major gratitude in my life this week. He totally stepped up and took care of the family!

I have been doing a workout program called 6 Weeks of the Work, and I just wanted to share a little bit about my journey of it with you.

So prior to this program, I had completed MM100 (Morning Meltdown 100) and while I LOVED that no workout repeated, the music was upbeat and fun,...

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