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November 1 Fit Friday Finds: Gratitude, Partners, & Peppermint!

fitness nutrition recipe Nov 01, 2019

Happy November! If you've wanted to join into the wellness thing, but you just can't motivate yourself, maybe doing it with a friend can help!  I'll share more in a minute, but wanted to sum up the goodness you're about to get right from this blog here!

  1. Healthy Body + Grateful Heart ... some Partner accountability 
  2. A book of meal ideas to rock your socks off, the chicken & white bean soup, dijon salmon & dark chocolate sea salt Shakeo treat and more than a dozen other recipes - I mean you're going to want to check it out!
  3. A Shakeology inspired transformations - YES you can be your healthiest not just by sweating a ton in a workout, but by fueling your body too!
  4. Recipe: Peppermint Mocha

I’ll get right to it....you’re invited to join my November support and accountability group: The Healthy Body + Grateful Heart Challenge! You’ll get access to the Netflix of workouts, meal plans, healthy recipes for the holidays, nutrition support, your...

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Fit Friday Finds August 9th!

Have you ever heard of Wonder Whip? Well, it's taking social media by storm and now I know why!

Ilana Muhlstein Nutrition's Wonder Whip recipe is packed with protein and is a great way to help satisfy your sweet tooth. Try her recipe for her Reese’s Cup Wonder Whip and let me know what you think!

• 3/4 cup 0% plain Greek yogurt
• 2 Tbsp. PB2
• 1 Tbsp. dry-roasted cocoa nibs
• 1/4 cup smart bran or bran buds (optional)
• 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
• Stevia to taste

1. Combine ingredients, stir until whipped. Enjoy!


Ok, I'm not crying, you're crying - Lauren's Morning Meltdown 100 transformation video is amazing! WATCH IT HERE for yourself -- and keep the tissues handy!

I have $10 off code for 5 people who want to try this program with me, but that's not all - ANYONE who wants to try it can get the digital access to either of our 2 nutrition programs for only $50 (access is normally $119)

Email me at...

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Why Having A Community is SO Important!

coaching fitness mindset Jul 23, 2019

I try my best to support other moms out there so that they know they aren't alone! They have a community they can be apart of. I do this online and in person! 

As a mom myself, currently local to the Louisville area, my team and I get together once a month for ladies night out... Okay, mainly bonfires with some drinks ;) and weekly my team and I host virtual workouts and business meet ups to stay healthy and to help each other grow. I never feel like I'm going at it alone in this business!

As a company we have one nationwide event each year, & host more in-person events every quarter to bring local coaches and our customers together to celebrate the business, the physical, emotional and financial transformations that have come from the use of our products and business opportunity.

There is a company event upcoming this weekend where groups all across the US, UK and Canada are getting together and I want to encourage you to come to it! This event is not just for coaches,...

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Fit Friday Finds July 19

fitness nutrition Jul 19, 2019

Sooo...there's a new product from the Beachbody boosts line - COLLAGEN!

My husband was talking about how he’s actually been wanting to try some for wrinkles and I’m not gonna lie I am totally game too!

Our collagen is DIFFERENT than other collagen on the market. It doesn’t include the protein like the others do. It is specifically targeted for hair, skin, and nails - and it is PROVEN TO DELIVER CLINICALLY SIGNIFICANT RESULTS. It is proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

It does NOT target joints like other collagen products do. I am hopeful that this means BB is making a product that DOES target joints, but we don’t have one yet.

In summary: our collagen is:
- A SMALL scoop size
- Targets hair, skin, and nails
- It delivers POWERFUL, proven results

It's limited in what it does, but it's VERY VERY good at what it is supposed to do.

Check out: Collagen

Now let's take that Collagen Boost and make a delicious recipe out of it, shall we?


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5 Things that Can Go Wrong When You Work With a Coach

coaching fitness Jul 18, 2019

Let's face it, we can hire the coach, buy the workout, buy the Shakeology, get the 2B Mindset Nutrition Plan ... but still not have results?

Are you going to blame it on your coach? No, you won't because you know better than that. 


Here are the 5 things that I personally find go wrong when people hire a coach (be it here from my Beachbody business, or even when I myself have hired a business or mindset coach).

  1. Not following the program
  2. Not letting your coach know your REAL goals
  3. Not keeping in communication with your coach
  4. Not tracking progress
  5. Not including personal development

I'll elaborate below:

1. Not following the program.  Your coach has a course, or in the case with my company, you get a FULL fitness calendar, a full meal plan, a program guide and even journals for mindset with some programs. If you are working with your Beachbody on Demand, you'll find this all under Program Materials.

2. Not letting your coach know your REAL goals. When you join...

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5 Tips on Creating an Impactful Morning Routine!

fitness morning routine Jul 09, 2019

When you think of waking up early what is the first thing that comes to mind? I’d be willing to bet you get excited to wake up earlier to get your day started, but once morning hits you hit that snooze button & figure you will just start tomorrow. 

I did that too! We all do it from time to time! 

As a mom of two, once my kiddos are up for the day that’s when I shift my focus to them..and if you’re a parent you know how the demands of being a mother can be! 

So, I decided to start waking up earlier to get my day started off right. I start with my mom crack (AKA my energize), I journal to get my mind right & then I get my sweat on! I cannot even begin to tell you how much this changed my life! 

If you are where I was months ago, I have 5 tips to get you started with an impactful morning routine! 

Prepare the Night Before!

Having my workout clothes out & ready to go for me in the morning ALWAYS helps.. I am not digging through drawers...

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8 Weeks Healthier - Lifestyle LIIFT

fitness transformation Sep 19, 2018

Ya'll I have been BLOWN AWAY by how much LIIFT4 has been shaping mine and my community member's lives!



This program has been all about BALANCE and getting that 'lifestyle liift' as I have to call it!   I've loved it so much since doing early access with the exclusive Coach Test group, I'm ready to just SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFS


You've probably seen in my stories on social media (Instagram @TamaraLeeBratton or Facebook Tamara Lee Bratton) that for me, this program has done the following:

  • Given My husband and myself a workout we can DO TOGETHER

  • Given my body rest

  • Allowed my body to start cycling again (will note I also finished breastfeeding at the start of this program)

  • Given me TONS of confidence as I lifted weights bigger than I thought I could (girl, sometimes I have a 45 pound weight!)

  • It's just been FUN - like super fun to do 30-40 min workouts and feel AMAZING from it!



So what all did I do differently with...

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